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Yancheng Far East Chemicals Co., Ltd.


    Your location: Home > Products > Flourescent Whitening Agent

    Flourescent Whitening Agent


    NO Product name C.I. No. Applying  field
    FN-8001 Whitening Agent OB FBA184 Whitening effect on PVC, PS, PE, PP, ABSandcoating
    FN-8002 Whitening Agent OB-1 FBA254 Whitening effect on Plastics, polyester-cotton blend fabric
    FN-8003 Whitening Agent FP FBA127 Whitening and brightening effect on  PVC, PP and leatheroid products
    FN-8004 Whitening Agent KCB FBA367 Plastic film, injection modled materials,EVA foamedplastics and rubber products
    FN-8005 Whitening Agent PF FBA135 Whitening and brighting effect on almost all of the existing plastics and their products
    FN-8006 Whitening Agent ER FBA199 Whitening and brighting polyester fabrics, PVC, PP, PE and so on

    Add : Ecology Chemical Industry Garden,Economic Development Zone,Funing,Jiangsu
    Code : 224400    
    Tel : +86-515-87883018
    Fax : +86-515-87883019     
    Email: sales@ycydchem.com            kselite6@hotmail.com 
    Url: http://www.gyanoptimizer.com


